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December 23, 2018

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Prayer is the most vital aspect of your daily life. My people are under utilizing this powerful weapon. Many believe that if I already know all then why do they need to ask. I say to you that I Am a God all about relationships. I desire for you to know Me through an authentic relationship. I have called you Friend not stranger. When you put your prayers into My Hands, you are building a relationship with Me. Your trust and faith is what gives the angels the charge from Heaven.

From the moment you pray, the enemy of your soul works to stop the manifestation. Your actions shift the atmosphere to your favor when you continue to stand unwavering. The enemy will try to rip you out of peace and lie into your ear. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you! Understand that many things must come together at the right moment for the prayer to be answered. Keep praying for the victory will become yours when you don’t give up.

I am calling My people to pray unceasing in this season. I have spoken the victory ahead of time, but you still have a part to play. I have said that we are co-creators, and that I choose to work hand and hand with mankind to fulfill my purposes on the Earth and in Heaven. You have a calling just as the angels above do.

You are not mere children. I desire to give you understanding of the mysteries all around you. Knowledge of My Spirit and Ways are an unstoppable force in your life. You will see above the schemes, and walk on water in all situations. As you make prayer a priority daily, you will walk in new levels of My Spirit and travel at an accelerated rate. For now is the season for My Bride to fully know her influence over matters in Heaven and Earth in this hour. It is a New Day!

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