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December 8, 2018

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, Things around you are shifting and turning. What once tied you to this place, will no longer keep you here. The foundation that you have been living upon is being shaken and broken. I am bringing an upgrade to your life and situations. What was once difficult for you to overcome will now seem like child’s play. You are coming to a place where victory is your daily expectation.

I am renewing your heart and mind. I am bringing order from chaos. I am establishing understanding where there was once confusion. You are walking in a new level of My Glory. Old mindsets are now replaced with the mind of Christ. Where you were blind, you will now see. Do you believe that all of this can happen in just one day?

I have spoken sudden and drastic changes over your life for months now. You have pondered if these messages were really for you. I say to you this very day, that yes, you will not miss out on what I am doing in this hour. You have stayed the course even when the wind blew you to the ground. Time after time, you got up and kept moving forward. I am proud of you!

The harvest is being gathered, and the storehouses are overflowing with increase and multiplication. The storm has ceased its pursuit over you. The table is made ready, and all of heaven is rejoicing. Just as the inner workings of a clock turn into the right time and place to move the hand to the appropriate hour, so too is your life now at the correct time and place for new doors to suddenly be swung open. Look Up My Royal Sons and Daughters. What you once knew as your status quo is about to radically change! My Favor is upon you mightily.

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