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December 6, 2018

MaryEllen McCloud

The Father says, When I imagine you, at the very foundations of creation, I envisioned many great adventures you would have as you flowed in My Spirit. I placed deep within you so many wonderful gifts and talents that would give you a life of fullness and amazing joy. As I have watched you grow from a child to an adult, I have encouraged you to step out and use what I have placed down on the inside.

There was a time when you saw the world as your oyster. You were ready and willing to climb the highest mountains and achieve the greatest of dreams. Many of you have lost that love and passion. You have started to believe that you can never be what you first dreamed of. Who do you think placed those dreams and possibilities within you? Look again! I Am in your midst.

It is time for My People to stop looking at the clock and speak excuses for why they did not use all that I have given them. Do you know that as you reach out, I will meet you? I will illuminate and magnify anything that you work towards that is in My Will? You are not limited, for I have unlimited resources. I will more than gladly increase any and all of your gifts as you grow in them.

Do not believe the lies that would speak against My Word for you. I set before you thousands of promises each with their own rainbow and blessings. My Favor was already given to you in your mother’s womb, do you not see? My Greatest plan for you is still in effect. I have not changed My Mind about all that you can accomplish. I have not taken anything good away from you, even if you laid it down for a time. My Kingdom celebrates the awakening of the Bride to walk into her full destiny and purpose this very day! Are you ready now? The road is clear ahead of you!

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