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MaryEllen McCloud

December 2, 2018

he Father says, There will always be critics against you no matter what I send you to do for My Namesake. People from inside and outside of your camp alike. When I walked on the Earth, people spoke lies about Me as well. I have told you before that you will suffer in this world for what you carry from the Kingdom.

I desire for My people to care more about what I think and believe about them than the critics. Yes, you will be hurt by what is said against you. I will come to you and heal those tender wounds if you allow Me. Do not let those wounds to fester and get deeper. Even your closest friends will betray you just as Mine did.

Clear your mind of opinions about this and that. Let only My opinions permeate your mind and soul. A cluttered mind is unable to hear My Instructions clearly. You may never be able to change the minds of those that come against you. Release your desire to answer to their endless doubts and challenges, designed to trap you over and over.

You can never make the blind see the truth. Only I can open the hearts and minds of a person. Release, forgive, bless them, and make due diligence to move on with your head held high. I will speak on your behalf in My perfect timing and will. You just keep focused on Me, and what I have called you to do. Now that we have that all decided, I will come heal you this very night from all of the wounds you have carried through the years walking the path in My Name. I love you with such a Perfect and Unimaginable Love. Be at peace that all is well!

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