The Father says, I am moving the Chess Pieces of your life into complete position. You have wondered often if things would even come into order, but now is the time for you to reach the full advantage I have been setting you up for. Sometimes, you have to retreat and lose some ground in order to take the Hill. Remain flexible as I finish the loose ends over the next few weeks.
Stand tall, for regardless of how things did or didn’t go, this was but a moment in your life. Now it is time to place the past down and move forward into new assignments. Glory surrounds you this very hour. My Goodness fills all of the empty space. Everything is going to be ok. My Hands will see to it.
You are not out of My Grasp, nor beyond My ability to repair, fix, and replace all that is broken in your life. My love for you extends even to the darkest of moments. I know what hurts you, and what brings you great joy. I will replace the pain for My Joy, which is beyond the mind’s comprehension.
I am carrying you to the new destinations I have for you. I am refreshing your heart and mind. Restoration is falling upon your soul and spirit. You are being made ready by My Hands, and you will be a new person in many respects. I have cut away the old and useless parts that will not help you where you will be going. Rest, for soon you will be on the move in a fresh new journey for My Namesake.