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MaryEllen McCloud

November 19, 2018

The Father says, I have opened up the deep to spring forth the waters of cleansing. These refreshing waters will wash over My people to remove what is not sure footing in their life. I desire to remove the impurities in the precious metals and gems within your soul. Did you not know that I buried precious and invaluable treasure within you before you were even born.

Many have become so wounded that these treasures have lost their brilliance and glory. I am calling what lies dormant and hidden within you to come forth now. Arise! For I have great and wondrous plans coming to the next chapter of your story. Be gentle with yourself for you are fearfully and wonderfully made by My very Hands.

My winds are propelling you to My next level of Glory. Cast down the thoughts that the enemy is trying to fill your heart and mind with. The negative reports are just smoke screens to disguise all of the beauty I have designed in this moment of your life. My Majesty is falling all around you. Look up to Me, and your eyes will see what has been covered.

The enemy wants you to think that there is nothing left but empty promises and constant despair. He wants you to throw down your hopes and dreams to give up the fight. You must fight against the tide that is trying to taking you under. I will rescue you when you call upon Me. Choose to see that I have everything under control. You and I are co-creators. What you pray about, I will answer in the Earth realm.

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