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MaryEllen McCloud

November 18, 2018

The Father says, My Vine of Life is before you this day. I am bringing a new awareness and understanding to you about the purpose of past seasons, and how it plays a role in your future calling in Me. I have not wasted one moment of your life, even your missteps. I will bring order from chaos. I will bring beauty from ashes! You have traveled a rocky journey, but I am straightening and smoothing the path in this new day I have created for you.

No longer will you stumble over something that you could not see. I will give you new eyes that will allow you to see in the spirit the pitfalls before you arrive to that spot. I will remove the blind curves that have caught you off guard in the past. When you get distracted by things that are not of Me, I will call you back to My ways. I desire a authentic relationship with you. You are not a servant, I have called you friend. I am sharing all that I have with you.

I have taken you this far. Do you think I can take you even further if you remain fully focused on My leading? I will never send you down a dead end unless I am setting you up to see My Glory fully demonstrated over your life. There are surprises even in the most unlikely of spots. I will send you confirmations when you are unsure of the direction you are going. Be open to how I will speak to you in this season, as it will be different than prior seasons.

I will rescue you from the hands that were too strong for you. I will pour out My love over you unceasing. There is nothing that I will allow to separate you from My Presence. I am always with you, and I have never left you! Call down what you need from My Throne. I will answer you with Yes and Amen! You are most precious and beloved.

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