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MaryEllen McCloud

October 31, 2018

The Father says, Jericho did not fall with merely one pass around the wall. My People were promised victory, but they first had to follow My Voice with precision. There are many walls that you need a solution for. I am not silent nor absent to your cries. My Spirit has given you the instructions to the smallest details. Preparation comes before action. Rushing in before knowing what you are truly facing will hinder your success.

The wisdom of man is limited. Pull down My Wisdom and look at the situation beyond what you find in the natural. Too many are forgetting that you are not just subject to the natural realm. I have not denied you access into the spiritual realm. Take up your Rod and Staff, do not be afraid. I will walk you through territories that are foreign to you. I will show you what has been hidden.

Understand that victory is often won in the spiritual realm first! Jericho fell because the spiritual atmosphere shifted. Will My people become daily prayer warriors? You are not just flesh and bones. I breathed a spirit inside of you that does not operate in the natural world. Your spirit is fused with My Spirit. Do you see? You already possess My essence from your very core being. Why are you searching to and fro, when what you need is already within you? Joshua needed the Ark to be carried into battle. The Cross changed everything for You! You are the Vessel that carries My Presence!

Stand up and come forth! Do not stay in that pit for one more minute. For My Presence is before you right now. I Am handing you the Keys of Authority to walk through doors that are closed to you. But I have a surprise for you. The walls will fall before you ever reach the door. Do not consider yourself a victim of circumstance for one more second. Look down at your wrists. The chains were only an illusion. You have been free all along. Come co-create a beautiful life with Me by your side! I Am not finished with you yet.

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