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MaryEllen McCloud

October 27, 2018

The Father says, Just like a Hurricane spins in a circle, so too are you in this moment spinning, but not for the reason that you thought. A Hurricane spins and builds momentum as it moves. This is what I Am bringing into your existence; a force that can move through anything in your path. You are gaining more understanding and strength with each spin around areas of your life. You are developing a faith that breaks down any door of resistance that would lock you out of My Best.

My designed purpose in your life will allow you to glide over issues and walk into the Promise Land in every situation you encounter. Be a people who can move with My Winds and allow Me to send you where I desire to position you. I have given you great influence in territories I have sent you to. You will do great and wonderful exploits as you rely on My Voice to lead you.

Just as the Hurricane has an Eye where there is complete calm and stillness, so too do I want you to remain in the flow of My Calmness that I freely give to you. There is nothing that can happen to you that is outside of My Reach and Grasp over you. I know what will happen and what I have aligned in response for your day. I Am not alarmed so you do not need to be either.

All will be revealed soon enough. I will never leave you without answers or send you to live in confusion and chaos. These are merely tricks and diversions from the enemy. See beyond the fog, and you will know that all is well even in the darkest moments. I designed you to walk on water always. I will not let you sink now. One day you will see the full picture and rejoice at all the seen and unseen ways that I protected and watched over you. I call you My Beloved Sons and Daughters. Nothing good will I withhold from you!

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