The Father says, What are you in search of? Dig deeper to what I have for you to uncover in this hour. Many give up the random desires thinking this is not connected to the Greater in My Kingdom. They believe a lie that I would not call them or anoint them with anything above the ordinary.
I know what you will ask for and I know what you will shy away from. Understand that both requests came from Me as seeds planted in your heart. Stop thinking that desires are all out of evil motives. I created you with My very Imagination. I called you good and I placed inside of you the blueprints to your complete destiny.
You are selfish for not wanting more in My Kingdom despite others thinking you are one of pride. Let the logic of men fall to the ground never to be picked up again. I have mighty Rivers Flowing all around you. I alone will equip those ready for a life unimaginable. I am not asking for the approval of those around you.
I will flow in and through you even when the sun does not shine or when the meadow is in full bloom. Let Me have My way. Trust that I can do all that I designed you to do for the rest of your days. It is not by your own strength that you are carried. Will you say Yes to the extraordinary, unexplainable journey before you? You are My Beacon on a Hill.