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MaryEllen McCloud

October 21, 2018

The Father says, You have tried repeatedly to open New Doors with Old Keys. Today, see the New Keys raining down all along your journey. I say you are surely Qualified and Ready to GO! You have had many trusted people walk away from you as disbelief filled their hearts and mind concerning your position in Me. Arise in Confidence!

My Hand is moving heavily over you, and what I have placed inside of you is about to come out for all to see. Walk forward with authority and do not concern yourself with those left on the sidelines. Not everyone will continue on with your journey. New territories equal new training. Listen to My leading and direction on what is for Now and what will be later down the road.

When the doors swing open, assurance will radiate from your spirit so brightly that even your strongest opposition will take notice. Do not become overwhelmed at the rapid shift and change that sweeps over your life. I have taken into account all that you will need in this hour. If I have brought you to it, I will take you through it. Enjoy the journey before you even if not every moment is what you expected.

I have been setting you up for a great increase in multiple areas. Sometimes to reach these points, you have to experience parts that you would rather not touch your life. All is used for good even when it does not look promising in the moment. Watch the beauty take shape into the far reaches on your life. You will be glad that you took this path and rewards await you just on the other side.

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