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MaryEllen McCloud

The Falling

The Falling by MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries

For nearly two years now, God has been speaking to me about Christian leaders being exposed and falling from Grace. God is patient in warning them to turn back. However, there is a time when God speaks judgment. Leaders are on a platform and God does have a much much higher level of expectation from them. Far less wiggle room in wandering off the correct path. It does matter greatly to God.

About 5 months ago, I suddenly heard a Gavel strike in the spirit realm. I asked God what is this about? He said, the time has expired, judgment has been pronounced. Two weeks ago, God gave me Jeremiah 32: 26-44. I wasn't at first sure what topic God was applying this to, and as I inquired, He said that I have been like Jeremiah hoping for mercy and not destruction. God then said that I needed to remove my intercessory protection over this certain person, that God had me on assignment for, so that God's Righteous Hand could fall. I realized at that moment, just how fully my authority was in this matter to even be able to hold up God's will. I immediately removed my authority and intercession.

I am bringing up all of this for a reason that affects every one of you. In Jeremiah 32: 26-44, God speaks of destruction but also restoration. In the Coming months/years, you may be witness to leaders who God is dealing heavily with. This is not time for you to gossip, slander, or let the devil run his mouth through yours. This is a time of deep prayer and celebration because what will come out through this restoration will bless the Bride.

It is not easy being a leader. The devil wars day and night looking for any crack in the armor. It is so easy to say we would do better in their shoes, and maybe that is true. But the truth is, you are not in their shoes and God will be God in their life, just as in yours. Most people can have God shake them and few know about it. A leader is not hidden from God's judgement. Allow God to do the new work in these people. He loves them with an unending, patient Love. Their deepest failures are God's greatest moments of Victories, as God turns the ashes beautiful once more.

Just remember that God is not interested in our opinion. He is interested in His Blueprints in our lives and for the plan for the World. The Battle is His to deal with. We are just to focus on our own business for the Lord. When we become a sounding board for the enemy, we only bring God’s judgment upon our own life. Do not let what is happening, be a foothold for the enemy in your own life.

~Many Blessings,

MaryEllen Replenished Hope Ministries ‪#‎replenishedhope‬ ‪#‎dailypropheticword‬ ‪#‎dailyprophetic ‬ Replenished Hope

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