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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word August 28, 2018

The Father says, You have gone through a door and come out on the other side. Although the remnant looks familiar, this too will begin to fade away. You cannot go back and must press forward. You have been at a moment where the bicycle would not move forward and every time you looked down, the chain was caught and twisted. This was by My Hand as I did not want you to get ahead of My plans.

Now it is time to travel on from here. I have upgraded you into the finer resources that will be needed to accomplish what I Am putting before you. What I have downloaded into your spirit will break through the powers of darkness in ways you cannot envision right now, but soon you will see all of My words come to pass. You can release the hand rail for you do not need to tread lightly. We are moving at full speed on a train with endless tracks. It is time to get organized and be diligent with purpose. When you hear My Voice, obey the first time without hesitation, for the enemy of your soul will look to make you wobble in doubt.

Do not let fear creep in your day for it will not serve you in anything that is before you. The enemy looks to bind your hands and muzzle your voice. Be on the watch for who he sends to put you off course. Many will support you and many will lose interest. Do not let this distract you from what I Am speaking to you in this hour. I have called you and raised you up since birth. No one knows your destiny better, and no one else will care for you before, during, and after you finish this great race called life.

I Am proud of you. Do not let those words fall to the ground and believe that I do not mean YOU. I am not looking at what you have missed or done wrong. I know what you have done, but I also know what you are capable of doing and so does the enemy. Do not take on the cloak of shame and condemnation. You are free of the fiery darts so easily hurled at every turn. Ignore those that feel they have the right to speak curses over your day. I will deal with all that come against your destiny in due measure. Let Me fight your battles. You just stay focus on your call. I so love you, My Child.

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