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MaryEllen McCloud

Know The Time & Seasons

We are in a time like none other. Not because of what you see on the News, but it is what you can't see in the natural that has the most impact. Understand that God's Kingdom is Breaking Through into this Earth Realm like no other Time and Generation, RIGHT NOW.

So with this, the enemy is fighting back with EVERYTHING and EVERY DECEPTION he knows.

When we say No Weapon formed against you will prosper, this is what it looks like. All of the powers in darkness are unleashed against those who are Carriers of what God is DOING RIGHT NOW. You know who God is ACTIVELY using by what is coming constantly against them and yet they ARE INDEED STILL STANDING.

When God trains and equips a person in secret it is to make the person strong enough to carry what He will give them. These Carriers are unwavering and will complete the tasks, assignments, and destiny purpose God has placed upon them.

Whether you like these Carriers or not, God is not changing His mind. Forerunners always have the mission to take what was not and bring it into what IS. They will be persecuted for God's Honor and Glory. The enemy will tell you not to listen to them just because the opposition is so great. He will even try to convince you to join in the endless chatter and opposition as well. When you do go along with the enemy, you place yourself in rebellion against God. You won't stop what God is doing, you will only place yourself in judgement.

God will deal with the enemies and joiners against His Carriers. Be wise in your words and actions. What we view as opinions and beliefs should always be open to God's truth and correction. God's Truth is never hidden from you. You just have to Seek the Creator and Lord of Lord's. Don't let bias or personal opinion/wishes cloud you into being deceived.

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