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MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word August 20, 2018

The Father says, I am awakening you and opening you up more in this hour. I want you to see more and dream for more. Cast aside the mediocre expectations that others have filled your mind with. I Am establishing Myself in your Heart in a new way today. Invite Me to come in fully for when you are reluctant you will block what I desire to do in your life. I have a wonderful explosion I Am doing inside of you. For My Love reaches deep and so too will your love reach deep for My Namesake.

Put aside your differences with your brothers and sisters in the Lord. Let Me guide you towards a walk of peace and tranquility that can handle the waves crashing on the beaches. Do not think of yourself as one person shouting on a desert island hoping to make an impact. I have given each one of My Children a call and a purpose. Look to use each other’s strengths without envy, jealousy, or strife. Build each other up in your weaknesses with humility. Do not boast over one another. Where you are today is due to the steps you made before you arrived in your now. Do not look down on someone still working on levels you have already traveled through. Instead, grab their hand and help them along their journey.

Even when you hear criticism that comes from the wrong spirit, check with Me before you completely discount what has been said. Let Me have the final say over your life. I will mold you through whatever means comes your way, even when it is not an authorized voice before you. Be at ease with yourself and let go of the performance mentality. Even in your trying moments, better is coming to you. I have not called you to stay where you are. I will continue to shift and move you for My Glory until you come into My perfection.

Like a rocket ship, I am preparing you to launch. Do not take all of the changes as a loss of self. You are merely shedding what does not belong in your identity any longer. Everything is going to turn out just fine. Place down the wondering of how and when and if. All is laid out before you to take one step at a time. What is before you will fit perfectly once you step fully into this. Stay flexible. Enjoy all that is set before you on My Table. This is your reward and this is My Glory manifesting before you this very day!

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