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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word August 11, 2018

The Father says, It is time to release your vocal cords. I have given you My Spirit to speak through you, and speak into the lives of those around you. Many have taken their own words and tried to make them Mine, but I say to you that if you really want to impact the Kingdom, then wait on My Timing and Words. I know what will open the hearts and minds of those I Am sending you to. Do not worry about preparing. I will make you ready in all situations.

My Light is coming at you brighter in this hour. What was confusing will receive revelation and understanding that you were not able to find before now. I have heard your pleas and cries. I am bringing My wisdom to what seemed like a fool’s game. Be prepared for some to resist what you are starting to walk in. Many are happy with the limited knowledge before them and will not challenge the voices of the world for legitimacy. Shame and condemnation are not your portion, so do not accept the words that are contrary to Mine.

I have not called you to shout at the darkness. The darkness knows no light and will not see the error of their ways. Instead be strategic. Ask Me whose Heart and Mind I have prepared to receive what you have to offer as My Vessel. If I have not prepared them, then your words will just bounce off and fall to the ground. Know that I Am faithful to pick your words back up off of the ground in due season. Be patient when you are rejected.

Do not worry about tomorrow. Just focus on enjoying this moment. You will never be as effective when you are not fully present in this Now moment in time and space. Do not get caught up in battles that spring out of nowhere, for I say that they will disappear just as quickly as they came. Spend your time meditating on My Love and Goodness over you. This is your key to unlocking all that I have for you.

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