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MaryEllen McCloud

July 18, 2018

The Father says, I created you to be loved and to give love. When you feel either are lacking in your life, know that I am setting you up for a blessing. Do not allow a wounded heart to keep you from the amazing people I will send to you. Be the extension of My Hands and Heart. Even when this feels uncomfortable, find a deeper level coming from My Throne Room at that moment. I see what just happened to you. I have a way to restore and redeem what you felt was lost. Some people only know how to wound others from their already wounded soul. You can choose not to go down this same path. Stay close to Me, and let Me show you the beauty that is all around. No, this is not beautiful but I specialize in making beauty from the ashes. The sting maybe great, but I Am Greater! The Tears following down your cheeks are real and valid. Let Me dry your tears. I have better for you than these hours of sorrow. The Day is not finished yet. Let Me give you a reason to Laugh and Smile yet again. Do not cast aside, as if all is lost. I Am here even in the quiet of the night. I experience what no one else knows about you. You are so precious in My Sight. Your praise and worship is a sweet incense before Me. What you go through in this fallen world is only temporary. Choose to see My Hand moving you to peaceful and calmer seas. You are not a product of what is going on around you. You are born of My Glory and Honor. You are My Child whom I loved so completely that I sent My Son to be your replacement on a debt too great to pay. Come sit next to Me. I will heal that lovely heart of yours, and fill you with My Joy, which is Unspeakable.

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