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MaryEllen McCloud

July 8, 2018

The Father says, Rise above the Fog. You have the Authority to walk on the water and the air. Speak to your problem and watch the answer manifest. Many accept a lesser route because they are under the notion that I will not give them the Best through My Love and Will for their life. I can’t advance you when you are rejecting the doors of opportunity that I am offering. If I have called you to it, walk through that door, window, or unseen opening. Others will try to deny you, screaming you are unqualified. Even more will try to steal what is yours. Guard your walls and wear your armor. Do not look away at the smokescreen all around vying for your attention. Stay vigilant until the end. You are like a bottle under pressure due to the contents within. You are about to be fully released to pour out what I have placed in your inner vessel to do for My Namesake. There are no giants to fear and the land is being harvested for your arrival. Everything is nearly ready. Take a deep breath and look around, for things are about to change rapidly. What you have petitioned for has been sent. Things will not be like they were. People who were not for you will have a turnaround and a new alignment to my purposes in your life. Release what is not serving you. Release what is not bearing good fruit. Renew your mind for My Fresh Winds are upon you!

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