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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word May 24, 2018

The Father says, You always have an audience with Your King. I do not expect you to be what you are unable to do. I am the One who makes you into who and what you will become. This day, realize that no matter what transpires in your day, you are expected to come home to Me. Do not shy away out of trepidation. There is nothing that could have taken place to change My Opinion of You! Cast that notion aside for good. You are not a mystery to Me. I know you better than even you understand about yourself.

My Love is not demonstrated on a scale. There is no end and no limit to how much I love you. I am accessible to any and all. Even the pagan calling upon My Name will I listen to. I created all and I wish all to come into full reconciliation. Let that be the Praise from your heart as you go about your day. Do not look at one another with judgment and self-righteousness. The condition of the human soul is the same from one person to another. Let no one boast over another.

Understand that even before I used My painter’s brush to create all that is, I knew what would happen down to even the most minute detail. I decided to go forward anyway with Great Excitement. Before there was a need for a Heavenly Army, I created One in anticipation. Listen, You are worth it in ways I have yet to share. I did not make a mistake and when I say that everything is going to turn out as a beautiful song, trust that I know what I am saying. There is nothing hidden from My Understanding.

Release and Let Go of things that do not matter for Eternity’s sake. You are not meant to carry all of that weight. People will always find a way to be disappointed in any and all decisions that you make. Do not feel compelled to answer to your critics. I will help you in the good days and the not so much. Let Me be your compass and in time, others will realize that My Hand is fully upon you. What people fail to see as worthy of celebration, at the right point in time, they will lift you up with greater celebration because you did not fold to the pressure and public opinion. New armor is falling upon you in this hour. Find that less bothers and affects you from this moment and beyond. I will never leave you without My Best!

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