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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word April 28, 2018

The Father says, I Am the Vine, you are the Branches. Apart from Me, you can do nothing. Will you abide in Me regardless of where your feet may trod? You are a stream of water in My hands. I will direct your heart where I shall. Be flexible without opinions that differ from My Own.

A new outpouring is coming in and through you. Behold I Am doing a New Thing over all of the Earth. Do not be dismayed by the shaking of Nations. I Am overthrowing those that are wicked who seat themselves in high authority. My Voice unravels and shifts the course before many.

Be on the lookout for sharp turns coming. The directional compass is quickly changing in several key areas. Be open to what I am speaking in this hour. Your life was not meant to stay stagnant nor complacent. If you are comfortable, you are idle. You can have a life of ordinary or extraordinary. My plans for you have not wavered or changed.

Now is your moment to decide to be all in or out. Nothing in between will give you all that I have for you. You are My Joy! I see you through the perfection of My Son. I Am not disappointed in who you are, so let the faith and belief in yourself arise in this hour. I will carry you through. It is time to go!

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