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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word January 29, 2018

The Father says, Fire has many purposes and benefits. Many will see it only as a destructive force, but I say look again for in this hour I am bringing a New Fire down from Heaven that will forge the broken sword back together. What was broken will be made new again. What was useless will come forth with a greater purpose than before. What was overlooked will be what carries you through to victory. I am placing in your hands the Power and Authority to cross over and remove what has been holding you back once and for all.

Remove that look of hopelessness for I will never leave you in the land of destitution. See the path parting and the way made clear. You will have what you need for this next part. You may have missed My Hand bringing the resources, but look now for everything is manifesting before your eyes. You have wondered and struggled to understand the How of it all, but see that all has been made ready. I love you so dearly. There is nothing I would not take care of for you. Even when others walk away, I will never leave you. When the world seems to turn on you, I will still be there holding your hand.

I walk this journey out with you no matter who quits or sends rejection. I know what is before you today and tomorrow. I am not too busy to attend to your days of Joy and Sorrow. I will be there for all. Let My Fire restore what was lost in your heart and mind. Let Me cauterize those wounds and heal all that is weeping right now. It is not too late to experience the Unspeakable Zoe way of life that I sent My Son to give you. Focus on how I see you, for rich in blessings is My Present and Love. Command your eyes to see and your ears to hear.

People will speak against where you are going at times. Many will do it out of fear or their own insecurities. Be careful not to let others control you. Pressure can lead you astray. No one else can go where you are to go or do what I place in your spirit to accomplish. Be okay with walking where others do not wish to go. In time, you will see the greater picture of the why’s that you seek. I have plans for your good no matter how the horizon looks. Trust and Faith are your increase in this hour. Let all that I am speaking to you arise like a Mighty Wind, removing doubt and fear. You have Christ in you the Hope of Glory. There is nothing that you can’t conquer or achieve. Never forget who you are in Me.

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