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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word January 12, 2018

The Father says, Love is My response to the world. I love you too much to leave you stuck where you are; either by your own doing or because of the actions of the enemy in your life. Christ died so that mankind could be restored unto Me. I love who you hate. I love them so much that I may even send you to bring them into My Kingdom. Look beyond what you feel, and see My Glory before you. If I create a way where there is no way, then know that I Am behind you being sent. Will you refuse Me and what I desire to do in your life? Let Me show you why I love them. Let Me show you why I desire to redeem them.

You were once on the outside looking in. Somehow and someway, here you are right next to Me. Do you think it was an accident or a well laid out plan to get you into My Arms? I choose to use you not because you are perfect or have it all together. No in fact, everything you think disqualifies you is exactly what I will use. To say you have nothing to offer is an oxymoron. You have Christ and there is nothing else required. You have the Godhead to shape every aspect of your day. Do you think any servant of Mine thought they were prepared and ready to go? HA! I will make and break you into the right vessel for any and all things I will use you for. There is no part of this that is up to you except a willing and able heart and mind.

Some I have been raising up in secret. You have been chomping at the bit ready to move when the door finally opens. You are not losing time. I created time. You are right where you are supposed to be. Forget the notion that if you made better choices in the past that you would be further down the path right now. I speed you up or slow you down just so that you arrive right on time regardless. Trust the process of the Potter’s Wheel. All must be made by the Master.

I love you so, My Beloved. What you dislike about yourself, I have a different opinion about. Let Me have that aspect for I will turn it into your brightest attribute that the world will be blessed from. Do you believe I can do it? It is My pleasure to prove you worthy of all that I have. I see you in My perfection so embrace My Truth about you. No matter who says otherwise, I Am is behind you! I created you out of My Imagination. You are precious before My Sight!

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