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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word November 20, 2017

The Father says, “Your focus and desires shape and guide you in everything. Just like the wind hitting the sail of a ship. Your heart steers the sails, creating the momentum the ship travels in through the power of the wind. There are times you will not go with the wind, and the sails will become useless and even dangerous to leave up. I have allowed these moments in your life in order to keep you from continuing down the wrong path. I can see what lies ahead just beyond the bend.

Many will think I am denying you of something good, when in fact, I am saving you from something that will devastate your life. Deep down, you know that where you are heading is either a blessing or a curse. A rebellious heart will continue to get you in trouble. Consequences will not always be avoided. You must decide to be mature in My ways and not continue down the fool’s road of self-importance above all else. I will give you a sound mind and wisdom upon your request.

Many have called out to Me as a last resort, and My Answer to them is always Yes and Amen! I will always blow the Wind of My Spirit upon your sails yet again. I am a patient God wanting all to come into their fullness on this Earth. I will create a way where there is no way. I will rescue you from your own mistakes that you chose to walk into. I never intend to let you walk this life alone, but I will allow you to do so. My Eye is on the Sparrow, and My heart is on You this very day. Bring your Praise and Thanksgiving to My Throne each day.

Let it be known, in Heaven and in Earth, who holds your future. I have crowned you with glory and honor. I have given you dominion over the workings of your hands.

Arise this day as My Royal Sons and Daughters. Come into the storehouse and take your inheritance! Ask boldly for all that you need and desire. If you are off course from My Perfect will, I will simply show you a better and more brilliant path. My Plans only account for the very Best for My Children. You are not a slave nor a beggar. Come to My feet with the authority that I have bestowed upon you. You lack nothing!”

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