The Father says, Flowers bloom, wither and die. Seasons change. Things begin and things cease. What is on the horizon is greater than what has fallen with the sunset. No man can know his future, but I Am the One who holds the future in the Palm of My Hand. By the Wind of My Spirit, you will be moved into calmer waters or into rougher seas.
There is a purpose for everything under heaven. Nothing is wasted and all can be made beautiful through My will and power. Sometimes walking in My Will brings moments of discomfort. Other times, the path is easy to follow. What is a trial to one person may not be to another. Do not judge another’s experiences for you too will one day enter into a trial that may swallow you whole.
By My Grace and Mercy will man endure and survive the fires all around him. It is not of your own ability. I will sustain you always. I desire for My Royal Sons and Daughters to support and encourage all people. Be kind and understanding in all you do and say. Did I not say the Meek will inherit the earth? Stay humble and honorable in your intentions with people and activities.
Find that I am molding you through the very day before you. Watch and See how I turn even the biggest problem around for your benefit. You are not called to do it alone, so invite Me into your circumstances with full faith and trust that I will do the Impossible before your very eyes. Let Me breathe over your needs for My Angels were already dispatched. Your day of deliverance has arrived!