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Daily Prophetic Word October 19, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, Let your heart be filled with Gladness. Did you hear? The Storm is Over! Although, there are still remnants of the effects, the Storm is Indeed Over! Gather your things for I Am about to take you on a whole new journey. Are you excited? I have much to show you and much for your hands to experience.

Many have called this a new chapter, But I say it is a whole New Book. Let Go of prior disappointments for this is no longer your portion, and get ready for the New. I release to you the peace beyond all understanding. I release to you the Father’s First Born Blessing! You are entitled to all that I have, for you were bought and paid for by My Son's very Life.

I will not cast you out of My House. The lies of the enemy circle around you. Take your sword and make him sorry he ever came near you. You know My Voice, and you know the voice of the enemy. Stand for what is true and honorable. Do not make the mistakes of your ancestors.

Stand Now for the victory is upon you Now! In due season, My Promises will come to pass. Let your feet walk where I will lead them. You have nothing to fear. Did I not promise to go before you to prepare the way? I know what lies ahead, and what is hidden will be revealed. Everything will turn out ok. Continue to place your faith and trust in My arms. I have never failed you!

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