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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word October 16, 2017

The Father says, Today I pour fresh oil over your life. Oil that will bring healing, strength, and glory. The wine in the New Wine skins is about to come forth in your life. It has been allowed to ferment over this last season. Get ready, for I Am bringing fresh purpose and calling to your life this very day.

Forget the former for what is past is past. It is over with and cannot be resurrected unless you choose to let it run around in your mind. None of that will profit you. Instead Grab a hold of the New that I breathe over the purpose I have called you to through your walk with Me. You must choose to walk with Me.

I have not forgotten what you are in waiting for. Look now, what do you see? When Elijah was waiting to see the Cloud, he pressed in until the manifestation. Today, stand and press in, for victory is your portion! You will not be denied as long as you hold tight. Others will tell you to give up. Who would you rather believe?

They have no power, so place your eyes upon the One who can do all that you can hope or dream of. I got you to this point, so see a future still of endless surprises. I am not a boring God so grab a hold of the truth that your life is more than you envisioned it could or would be. You just have to step up and be willing, and I will take you far and wide for My Namesake!

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