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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word October 4, 2017

The Father says, "Today find yourself not on sinking sand, but rather on solid ground. Can you feel it? You are no longer servants. Shake that off. You are My Royal Sons and Daughters. I know your needs and your heart. Allow me to take you to a place that you could never dream of. Will you Let Me? I have so much to show you.

Release the thoughts of the religious minds and fools who know not what I have actually said in My Word. I am not in a box. Can you see My answers over your prayers? I AM the God of the Impossible. Open your imagination this hour, and See My unlimited supply and resources for your life.

I have it all figured out. Do you not believe that? Have I not said even the hairs on your head I have numbered? I will take care of all of My Creation from the smallest to the largest. Release the pain to Me this hour. I have come to give you Great Joy and Blessings! Give Me everything that keeps you out of that realm that I died for you to enjoy and live in. I want it ALL, not just parts of it.

Why would you carry that around one more minute? Does it serve you any good? Anything that keeps you away from all that I desire to give you, out of My Unending Love, is something you must release to Me this day. Do not put it off, and do not think you will just cope with it. I died to Free You from everything that would keep you bound. I will do as I have spoken over your Life!"

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