The Father says, “I Am your Champion and Cheerleader. Do not allow the opinion of man to rule over you. What I have called you to, I will carry you through. Many will love you today and hate you tomorrow just the same. Stick close to Me, and I will help you navigate who to trust and who to pass by.
Many have good intentions but will still be a stumbling block to your walk. You must be able to discern what you hear against what I have already told you. Come sit and stay quiet so that I can speak Spirit to spirit with you. I have new blueprints to download and instructions that are key to your next 8 years.
Don’t chase after temporary satisfaction. Let My Kingdom be your way of life. Let this be the center of your atmosphere. You can indeed move mountains, and you must choose to walk in this to overcome the snares from the enemy. Be mindful and keep watch. You must remain diligent against attacks that are sure to come.
Look to the Horizon as My Angel Army is on the scene. I will not leave you alone to defend yourself. In fact, drop your weapons and watch all that concerns you be resolved in an instant. Some battles you must give over to Me completely. I will show you when to fight and when to be still. I Am Your Lord Almighty. Is anything too hard for Me?”