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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word September 5, 2017

The Father says, “Welcome to your new normal. What flowed before has ceased, but what you are carrying today is far more powerful than all of the prior movements over your life. My people are at a turning point of knowing and seeing the fullness begin of what True Sonship means. You have thought the core was understood however, the depths and surface are far from being touched yet. Many want to hold their breath thinking there is a downside in the Now. What sets a person back is their inability to believe that My Kingdom has already come!

Are you still waiting for something that was given to you long ago? When you think you are to receive something in the future, you will overlook what has certainly arrived. You are not just getting by in life. I Am establishing even now a new level of authority among My people. It is not a matter of whether you are qualified, it is all about you saying, Yes and Amen, to what I have written on the blueprints of your life. Do not let the trials cause you to miss out on the best ride of your life.

I Am washing over you with My Melody of Breakthrough. Many have gone decades without finding relief from the crashing waves. It is time for this to end! Did you catch that? Yes even this too shall pass. I have not forgotten what pit you got thrown into. I have aligned you for what is around the bend, even though you cannot sense or feel the change that is on the way. You are not out of My hands, and what you have gone through will spread like a wildfire to release another’s breakthrough as well.

I will use you! You are vital to My Plans, so look up and ask the questions written on your heart. My people are set at different points with purpose. My people are designed and created to carry different parts of what is needed in the Earth Realm. I did not make you a clone of another, so seek and enjoy the uniqueness that I desire you to flourish in. I love what I created in you! You are not a disappointment in My Eyes. It is time to come up higher and choose to not sink back down ever again. Look for the surprises in your day. I Am smiling over you in this hour with Joy.”

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