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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word September 1, 2017

The Father says, “Let the troubled waters leave your soul. You wear victory. The battle is won on your behalf. Even now as the trumpets sound, the enemy has lost his hold over your situation. The darkness has surrendered to the light. What was pushing you back will now spring you forward. What worked against My purposes in your life will be the grease to move the train forward at lightening speed.

What was your ceiling is now your foundation as you go on into the next stage. What was covered in water is now dry land. You will do the impossible for there is no limit over your life. Trust in Me for I cannot fail you. Do not consider what your eyes see in the natural for I Am causing blessing and favor from unlikely places and people. I will not let you go without. Take your Rod and Staff. Use what is in your hands.

The enemy will bring people to fight against you. Just focus on My Voice. They will call you names and bring accusations to stop your call. I will clear the field of any who desire to do combat in My name against you. I did not send them, but I will answer their words and shut the mouths of the liars. I will not be Mocked by those who claim to speak for Me.

I prepared you and I alone commissioned you. If I take issue with your steps, I will let you know. You are in one of the best times of your life. Take a moment to rejoice for your time is Now. The fog is clearing. New Assignments are handed out. Your stride is of a warrior’s as you go from apprentice to mastery. All is coming into focus over the next few months!”

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