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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word August 10, 2017

The Father says, “Many Represent My Heart, and Many Represent the Law. Is one to ignore the other? Did Christ not fulfill the Law and die for all of mankind out of Love? The Pharisee chased perfection in the law. Something that even they could not abide by in truth. Let My Love for all surge inside of you this day. Let My Spirit guide your words in action to demonstrate the Christ in you, the Hope of Glory.

If you find this a struggle then remember that when you walk in the flesh this will be impossible, but in the spirit, you will thrive and succeed. See those around you not as they are but what I Am molding them into day by day. Just as you walk in Grace before Me, so do others. I will not ask perfection for this is not achievable. Instead in your weakness and imperfections are you made whole through Me.

Let that sink in for a moment. Your weakness is your greatest strength. When you decrease, I will increase allowing you to go places that the human experience is purely limited from. You are born of spirit first not flesh. You possess so much more than what you have witnessed thus far. Staying stagnate does nothing for you in reality. It is merely a false state of comfortability that robs you of the fullness that I have died to give you.

I Am on your Side! You are with Me and I Am with you! When you look behind you, I may be in front of you, and when you look forward, I may be your rearguard. But Look and you will find Me right there taking you to the next place in My Glory. The atmosphere has been turned up like a tornado right now. Do not breathe in worry from others around you. I Am merely removing what does not belong and clearing out debris blocking your way. You are Protected under My Wings forevermore!”

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