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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word June 26, 2017

The Father says, “You have fought well! Better than you would even think to give yourself credit for. Walk with your Head held HIGH! I am well pleased with you. There is a passion that has been missing from My Bride that is being rekindled in this hour. Just as the Evening Sky dances like Fire so too will the Fire arise in My people. The excuses of yesterday will be abandoned for My Namesake.

You are not losing ground. The ground is moving you forward. When you lack the energy to overcome the weariness, I will just push you forward using your surroundings instead. Find that My Angels are ministering to you in this hour. You will be in overflow and favor. You are not going to be understood by those even closest to you at times. Do not allow this to create hesitation in your actions. Follow My Voice and you will find what I have along your journey.

I have called for a Changing of the Guard! New Assignments create new openings for those rising up in My Kingdom. Welcome the Shift for I Am doing amazing works in My People. Many are just learning to use their gifts while some are able to now demonstrate sure footed execution of what I have given them. I created My people to help one another in the pursuit of growth and maturity. Do not forget that you are a role model not a critic to some faulty human standard.

You are stronger together so do not divide unless I have called you to separate. Leave assumptions on the floor so that I may speak to your heart and mind. My Banner of Love is over your life. When you feel unable, just grab another infilling of My Love for all people. I know your struggles, and I am more than able to help you up in My Glory. You were born to reach the Heights and Depths of My Love!”

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