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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word June 20, 2017

The Father says, “I am picking up the words you have spoken that fell to the ground. Many years of wisdom and loving care were discarded by their intended target. But I am bringing back to remembrance your words and these words now carry an increase weight that will fall straight on their shoulders. The blinders are removed and they will have no other option than to see the error of their rejection.

You spoke as honor unto Me even though you were criticized heavily by what you said. I have not looked the other way and I will redeem and restore you back to the standing you should have had. I will soften the hearts of those that have opposed you even in bitterness. Healing is your portion in this hour so bring all of your heartaches to My Throne. Even the parts that you thought to just live with will cause friction until you release that wound to Me.

I have not called you to live life on your own. I will fight your battles for you. There are times nothing you can say or do will make a difference in another’s heart and mind. Release the desire to be offended. I will settle the score and right the relationships. Be open to reconciliation. I desire to restore even health into these relationships.

You are My Blessing to the world. I will use you where you are, and I will send you to where you are not currently. Do not overlook the small and almost unimpressive moments because you are sowing great seed in these situations. Many look to the big thinking this matters more. Be mindful of what I place in your path. All works to My Glory!”

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