The Father says, “The ending demonstrates the Victory. You are already guaranteed the prize and spoils. Many hear that and decide to sit down for the remainder of their days. Do not be surprised when the words prophesied over you do not come to pass with this mindset. To reach the highest, you must become what I have spoken over you. This is not a passive interaction but a sold out into full action and participation.
You must write the vision for without vision you will perish. To be successful at anything, you must practice, fail, learn, grow, and follow through. The value you place in the Rhema words over your life is in how you carry what is developing deep inside. Many abort their destiny to seek after the foolish endeavors. You may be waiting upon Me, but I too am waiting upon you.
I will not keep, that which is hidden, secret from you if you ask, seek, and knock. Nothing worthwhile will not be accompanied with challenges and great stretching. Many quit at the first hurdle. You will reach all that I have set aside for you through deliberate on purpose determination. Do not be concerned with what comes to knock you down. I will use what comes against as a catalyst to push you through doors that would not open otherwise.
As you come before My Throne, I will speak mysteries about your days. Long ago, I placed the blueprints of who you are within your earthen vessel. It is up to you to desire all to come forth. I will not force Myself upon you. I gave you a will freely. I call you Friend and My Beloved, and I desire an authentic relationship filled with a co-creation in all aspects. Decide to be sold out for My Namesake. No one ever regrets a life lived to the glory of the Kingdom."