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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word June 14, 2017

The Father says, “The world may be serious, but I have come this day to give you a heart that is lighthearted. I enjoy your smile. I love hearing your laughter. Learn to rest in My Ability to handle all that the world is in need of. Do not allow your walk to get heavy for these burdens are Mine! Look for Me and you will find Me in your midst.

I am not merely standing by waiting for the world to destroy itself. My Beloved, I am doing a good and new work even in areas that claim to not be Mine. Do you not see? I created it all, so it all is My responsibility and all is according to My plans. I have not called evil into your life, but I will use it for good if you allow Me to.

Wrap your mind around the fact that I am for you and in so, I am setting you up for the latter days of Glory. If you are Mine, then you will experience all one would expect as My Royal Child. My Kingdom has come to the Earth. You are not waiting for one day, someday. I have greatness in your Now, so do not overlook what is changing all around you.

Even in the dew of the morning will I set your feet upon solid ground. What seems uncertain, is not so to Me, so let Me take it from here. Choose not to look back at what you placed in My hands. I will indeed come through for you. The time in waiting will definitely be worth it. What you are sowing even in this time will reap a beautiful fragrance of harvest and increase. You are doing nothing for My Namesake in vain. I will bless you beyond your wildest dreams.”

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