The Father says, “Today, I Am challenging your hearts and minds that believe aspects that are against My very Nature. I will bring to your mind topic after topic so that you will questioned what you have been taught at the core. I Am revealing Myself so that you will know Me on a whole new level. Many have believed the lies of the enemy and it is time to clear the field of what is holding you back.
My people are grinding against each other over the notion if I Am truly Good and desire only the Best for your life. Would a Great Father want anything less for His Children? I designed mankind to be in a deep relationship with Me. Have I not even done so since the beginning. It is man that walked away, not I, for I have not changed My Mind. Out of My Love were you born. I do not consider you worthy of destruction but Redemption.
I breathed Promises over you since the first day of your existence and today I highlight those Promises before you. My Word will stand over your life. It is up to you to decide that you are what I say about you and not what your surroundings claim. I have not consulted anyone else concerning you. Find that the Precious and Priceless is being pulled out of you in the next few seasons. I have much to show you, and you will dance with excitement.
Sorrow will be replaced with Joy. What was Stolen will be replaced with Increase. I will not allow you to go without. People argue against My Desire for prosperity in your life. Sin is what is against My Prosperity. Remember who contends for your soul and why. For as your soul prospers so does all other things from Heaven directly to you. Watch out for deceptions against My Goodness before you!”