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  • Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word June 2, 2017

The Father says, “Forever you are walking in the Becoming. Many resist this process and put a halt to the Good Work that I am doing. They desire to stay who they are and not what the potential could be through the Potter’s Hands. You must be willing to look in the mirror if you are to reach for the person I have designed you to be.

When you need to rest, I will give you the time. Wells and Rivers are your source. Ask yourself everyday, ‘What is God up to in this situation?’ When you reframe your day into the knowledge of being in My Arena in all things, you will See My Hand and Hear My Voice quicker. I am in your Midst and All about your circumstances. I have not lost track of where you are or where you are to go.

The Sands of Time are not to be despised. Time marks where you are walking towards and shows you just how far you have come. Let this bring you Hope and not despair. Even when things looked oh so far away, you are reaching moments right now that used to be a long way away, but are no more. What is for your now was placed into motion even at the foundations.

All comes to you at the right moment. Believe and you will receive the very thing you felt would never reach your heart. Trust that My Timing is perfect even when logic is nowhere to be found. I so Love you My Precious Child. Just over the horizon is more Overflow than all of the jars in the land could contain. You are My Blessed and Highly Favored!”

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