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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word May 25, 2017

The Father says, “Chapters close and new chapters open. Never Forget that I Am in Charge of these moments. Let your mourning break way to My Unspeakable Joy. I will turn your darkest days to become your brightest future. Do not get hung up in the moments that you do not understand or like. I am setting you up for more than your life can contain. Let My Glory Ring throughout the Land for things are shifting mightily in this hour.

You have waited and waited even in times that no logic could you find in the hours that passed, but I have kept you always. You have not failed but walked on that water to the Lands that I have for you to take. The Trumpets are sounding making way for your arrival. What was familiar is leaving but what is coming to replace will fill your heart’s desire in ways even you cannot anticipate.

I have never left you My Child. Oh How I Love You! I Am so proud of who you have become in My Name. No matter what the enemy threw at you, nothing would keep you down. You triumphed over him and anything else vying to steal what was yours. Even though you feel you lost some priceless artifacts along the way, I am going to show you that you did not. In fact, what is coming as replacement will be beyond all that you could have dreamed of.

I know you so completely. I will surprise you over and over for it is My Will and Good pleasure to Lavish My Love upon you. I have longed for you to come to this moment. I have stored up My Best for you to move forward with. Journey to Journey and Glory to Glory. You are My Beautiful and Precious Child. Embrace all that is unfolding. My Table is set in your Honor!”

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