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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word May 14, 2017

The Father says, “People are going to criticize you unjustly. People are going to try to find fault in what you do unto Me. Let Me take that battle for you. I will shut the mouths of your accusers. When I am done, they will not even remember your name when their mouth starts moving again. There are consequences to poor behavior even when it is believed to be a right cause.

I Am a Roaring Lion and I will defend who is Mine. Be careful with the words spoken. If I am not behind your words then you leave yourself open to the enemy of your soul. Keep your hands clean in your dealings. Remember, you are not alone to deal with what life throws at you. This is your opportunity to assess if this matter is really for you to handle. You may be surprised what I have to say about it.

I have fresh manna for you daily. No need to save up for I will continue to give you more. Let your heart be not troubled for I am sending resources to lighten your load and time frame that it normally takes to accomplish necessary tasks. Find that new strategies will come to you quickly as you navigate. You will just know which way to go and what to do with ease.

Notice the shakeup around you. Do not be alarmed. I am throwing Good Seed down and removing what did not grow. The ground will be turned up so that the fertile soil will come forth to feed what is planted. I will provide the rains and I will provide the sun. The temperature is just perfect, My Child. You are in the midst of something wonderful coming. Get ready!”

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