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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word May 2, 2017

The Father says, “Life changes quickly whether it is 8 minutes, 8 days, 8 weeks, or 8 years. Eight is your new beginning and watch and see what this means for you in your Now of the number 8. The news will tell you to prepare for the end. Laugh at the very notion. I have said that you are walking in the best years of your life to date! I have not changed My Mind about any of this.

Those looking for doomsday will find their days empty and unfulfilled. They will not be satisfied with anything less than what feeds their belief systems. I say My People are not living at the whims of the world. Wars come and wars end. Nothing will shake My People who abide in My Spirit. You are by far not near the darkest of times. Remove the frown. I am moving all over the Earth for My Glory. I will shake and tumble evil to and fro.

The king’s heart is a stream of water in My Hand. I will turn it wherever I will. You believe the leaders are under their own direction, but I am the One behind even Pharaoh chasing after Moses. The world is not out of control or running in a fog of chaos. I am shifting the nations. Get excited for I have said that the harvest of souls will reach the whole world. What was closed will become open!

Be ready to be used for My Glory and Honor. There is no time for sleepy Christians. Be Christ centered and not just about your own gain in this hour. Your influence is where I planted you. You are vital on the frontline's of your territory. Decide to be Chosen and not just called! Your heart speaks the truth even when your words contradict. I am making Myself known in new and powerful ways. You are a generation that will see and walk in what was never open to past generations. Be wide open to My Spirit and not a stumbling block to your brothers and sisters moving in My Will and Authority.”

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