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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word April 12, 2017

The Father says, “As a child you were Mine even if you knew not who I was. I cared for you night and day. As an adult, you have a choice to be with Me or not. What seemed simple as a child, appeared more complex with time. My response to you has not changed however. I still watch over you day and night taking careful concern over all aspects. I celebrate in your joys and victories without forgetting. My eyes never stop watching over all of your moments.

Many felt a distance and confusion about just what I desire you to carry out. I want you to hear Me, I do not see you as that child, but now you are My Royal Sons and Daughters. I will speak to you no longer as I did when you were small. You must be willing to come up here. Take the time to cultivate a mature relationship and learn to speak and hear in My language. Dig deeper into the things of My Kingdom and the clarity that you seek will find you.

I have special surprises in the next few weeks and around the next few bends in the road. Stay close. I do not want you to miss a thing. Even in the moments where you felt you lacked faith, I Am showing you that even the size of the mustard seed was within your heart and mind. I Am not grading you on some failed human standard. You are already made in My perfection because of the Cross. I Am focused on what you can and will do for My Namesake.

Keep a mind centered on optimism in this hour. The enemy roars like a lion, but there is nothing to fear. I have you in the Palm of My Hands. When something goes outside of what you planned, ask yourself how will I use this for My Glory and your favor! I Am not caught off guard so do not let your heart be troubled. I will make a way, and I will lift you up out of the fog. Never forget that you are the Priceless Pearl. I Am for you always! “

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