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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word April 9, 2017

The Father says, “How I spoke to you in prior days will not be always how I will speak to you in this hour. Do not miss the clear frequencies around you because you have the dial only tuned to a few ways of hearing My Voice. I Am stepping up to more in-depth channels that will carry a more mature and deeper message. Just as a child will one day grow to handle more complex messages, so too will I speak to where you are right now.

I will reach down deep into your inner being to pull out all that has been in hiding. You are much more than you have believed about yourself. I Am going to show you just how unique and anointed you are, even in ways you had not even considered. I did not waste any part in your creation. Even when others treat the best parts as not so much, I will highlight those areas and shine My Light of Favor for all to see.

You are coming into a time where you will receive long overdue recognition. When you felt being passed over was to be the forever of your days, I Am bringing an end to you not receiving what is owed to you. My Hand is upon you in this season and years of wrongs are about to be made right before your very eyes. I will do this, for I have not forgotten you!

The tide is turning and those that were in lack are about to be in much. Clear your mind of wrong thinking because I will prosper My people in ALL things. I will not overlook you to give only to another. If you are Mine then expect Me to lift you up as the rest. Stop classifying who can have and who should not. That is a mind of human flesh and does nothing to honor those that I love greatly. What your hands do for good, I will bless!”

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