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Daily Prophetic Word March 22, 2017

Replenished Hope Ministries

The Father says, “My Yoke is Easy and My Burden is Light. Many of My people have yoked themselves to illegitimate people, things, and voices. Time to reevaluate and clean house. You cannot serve two masters. What I have not given you to carry then release it to the ground. Not everything presented is yours to be responsible for. Even the most noteworthy avenues may still not be yours.

When your hands are full from the junk of the world and even the human mind, I cannot fill you up with My Truth and Light. When you become too familiar with the false lights of this world, you will come to believe that those are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. You will reject My Voice because it has become unfamiliar. Be mindful as to who you let influence your life. The world desires that you accept their truth or become passive so that the darkness can grow stronger over the land.

Since the beginning in the Garden has the enemy twisted My Living Word. My people glance over My Word but many fail to let My Spirit speak the understanding beyond what the human mind can possibly comprehend. What you will not study, as a way of life, will not be able to lead you into all things Righteous. Change will not be stirred deep within your soul. Wrong steps will appear as enlightened.

I Am looking for a People who are serious for the things of My Kingdom and not just driving by for an hour of visitation. You must inhabit! There are no shortcuts. You have this one human life to live. Do not let the time slip through your fingertips. I have not called you to live a life of regrets but many will follow that path regardless. A life of compromise is a life wasted in reality. It is time to advance the land that I have placed you upon.”

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