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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word March 14, 2017

The Father says, “Fire is not only orange or red. My Fire of Blue has been released upon the Earth Realm. This flame contains a heat that My people have not experienced before. Within this movement is Revelation and Heavenly Visitation. Those with the vision for what I Am doing will be launched higher into these aspects.

There is a division coming between those who desire that I speak gloom and doom and those that will speak My Love towards mankind. If you do not understand what the Cross did for you and for all, then let Me explain. My Wrath was poured out upon My Son. It was a complete act and it is finished. So put a smile on your face and get ready for My Favor.

There is so much that I desire to do in and through you. Only you can say yes or no. When you are in doubt that I will use you, just look into My Eyes. I Am saying yes and amen. You can go as far as you desire to go. I will not send you out with no resources or preparation. Do not give up during the process. The process is what makes a person.

Do not forsake your teachings. They will guide you in what is to come. Not everything you learn today is for today. Remember so that you will know what to do when the time comes. You are not alone or expected to do it without Me. I Am standing right beside you, not far off looking at something more interesting. You have My Attention and Gaze always! I created you to have communion with you forever! We will go to unimaginable destinations.”

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