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Replenished Hope Ministries

Daily Prophetic Word March 13, 2017

The Father says, “I Am a Dream Reviver. I want you to be a Dream lover. Without a vision My people will perish. Do not allow the road of life to dim your eyes of belief. Pick up what you gave up on and ASK ME, SEEK ME, and KNOCK. If I placed that desire within you, I will send it back out for it to come to fruition. I will not give you a passion that I will not use in reality. Cast aside the opinions of the naysayers. I do not answer to them and neither do you. They lack vision and you were spoken My Vision for you.

Start gathering what you will need and just watch Me open the doors and even windows! I will leave nothing off of the table when it comes to the blessings that I will do through this adventure. I Am not a boring God. I want you to enjoy all aspects of what the Life I Gave you can entail. I will provide the resources so see Me as your source. I would not give you vision to not provide for. I will send other like minded people as needed for the journey.

You are in a season of birthing unusual ideas and witty inventions. Your financial freedom is closer than you may imagine. This road will move quickly and the tools that you need are already within you. Do not look to man as your source, but to Me. I will give you everything needed for what is before you. Forsake the poverty mindset that declares to be My servant you must be just scraping by. These are lies, My Children. I desire that you prosper in all things, not just what you believe through the lens of the religious.

I will say what is Good before Me. The enemy will twist you up with thoughts that what is good, favor, and blessing from My Kingdom is really evil. You must fight to get to My Truth. Use your sword and you will rise above the smokescreen of destitution. Who benefits from you being in lack? Shake off what the enemy is trying to do against you and rise up to the Child of God that you truly are! The enemy cannot stop you unless you allow him to keep residence in your mind and heart. I have a better way full of prosperity and My Goodness. Which path will you remain on?”

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