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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word February 20, 2017

The Father says, “Hear the thunder rolling in the distance. The atmosphere is being charged and positioned for change. Strongholds are being broken all across the land. Many, who are free, will seek the familiarity of bondage once more, but I say do not return to your former prisons. I am bringing you out. Do not fear your days for nothing will bring you harm. All is in order this very day.

Come away with me and I will give you rest. Seasons of long dry and barrenness are finished. Adjust your thoughts for you are in a new land. What was behind you is no more. Fresh wide open spaces are before you. You are walking into the latter days. Greater is to come. My arms are wrapped around you and My pinions will keep you safe.

Dance in the streets. Dance throughout the lands. The Rain is falling. Your lands are being replenished and will flourish once more. The evil in the land is being pushed back for My people have cried out to Me. Righteousness is being restored even unto the highest of leadership. Eyes are opening and minds are awakening. I will continue to do as I have promised for those that walk uprightly.

I control the king’s heart, and I will restore the lost years. I will establish My Glory upon your houses once more. What was in lack will be made up for 1000 fold. If I Am your Lord then you have nothing to worry about. Cast your cares upon Me. I have greater for you to accomplish in these years. Do not step backwards into years of complacency once more. You are called to be an active participant within My Kingdom. There is no room for lazy servants. What was not has become what is. See your favor before you!”

~Blessings MaryEllen Martyn Replenished Hope

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