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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word February 14, 2017

The Father says, “I Am washing your feet this day. The alabaster box of your life is before Me. It has such a sweet fragrance and beauty. What you see as less than perfect is made into perfection because of the Cross. I find you worthy of it all. My Kingdom will not pass away. You are transitioning from one place to the next. Always see yourself in this state for this too shall pass.

The enemy knows his time is finite. Do not allow this moment to take you out of the race towards the prize beyond imagining. What you are going through is what will make you into the vessel to carry out your full destiny. Your foundation is becoming solid and level. Your walls are being fortified with what is good and righteous. What you experience will be used directly in where I send you.

Keep your eyes on where I Am sending you and what you are learning in this moment. Little by little things are coming together and before you know it, you will be in a different mindset full of dreams realized. Many are thinking their hands are empty but they have not stopped long enough to see that they are full. When you have come to the end of your own ability, you will find Me there waiting to do it all above what you have asked for.

I love you! Are you truly accepting My unconditional love and acceptance or have you pushed it off in reality? I chose to create you knowing full well who you would become. I see unlimited potential before Me. I do not see the hang ups that you so often pay attention to. Those are not obstacles unless you allow them to stop your destiny. I drew the blueprint of your life with abundance and not lack. Find that a fresh wind has come over you to give you the desire to grab a hold of what I desire for you. You are going higher!”

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