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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word January 8, 2017

The Father says, “Worship at the Well! Many come to the wells of life looking for ordinary water that will meet their immediate thirst. Many of My People have that same mentality about spiritual matters. You are only living in part of your potential when you merely see yourself as flesh. You were first created as spirit and that is where you will tap into all that you were created to do and be.

To deny half of yourself will limit your perspective of everything around you. My Living Water will nourish and quench the thirst that you have long overlooked. Allow your spirit to soar and it will! Welcome My Spirit into every nook and crevice in your surroundings. I Am accelerating, those that are hungry, to dimensions never before seen. The supernatural did not end in the pages of My Word. Can you not do even greater than those that came before you?

Ears that are filled with the dead works and faith will not hear. Faith is not about seeing, but just believing. Many say that they Hope for something but have no faith behind it in reality. How can you get from one side to the other if only one leg moves? Partial action is not action. Partial faith is not faith. What do you believe, and what do you believe that you will take full faith and action to? Will the Red Sea not open up for you too? You have not because of what limits you think there are, but none of that is your true reality.

Living in a land of metaphors is fine, but I Am calling you into the world of Let It Be So! A place of the literal manifestation of what was not, coming to be what now is. This is your portion. Hear Me, THIS IS YOUR PORTION! My Bride is a supernatural Bride today, not 1000 years from now. Do not quench the Holy Spirit. Before there can be unity, there will be a great divide. I Am taking those that cling to Me, beyond the known realms of today. Those that do not believe in the I AM in fullness will sit on the sidelines and watch Me do the Impossible with My True uninhibited followers. You have not seen anything yet. Just watch what I do next!”

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