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  • Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word January 7, 2017

The Father says, “The Stars in the heavens shine so bright that their light will reach you regardless of the distance. You are like that star. You shine bright even when you forget that you were created to shine day and night. Many have thought that their sins have dirtied up the light, limiting the reach. They decided there is no hope and gave up trying.

Beloved, Listen! The Cross was a one-stop solution for all of your needs while on the Earth. It is not a one-time fix either. The Power of the Cross and the Resurrection are your keys to having and living a prosperous life. I have not left you without a way out of every pit you can imagine. Come back into My Arms. Let Me clean you up and put My best on you.

If you believe that you have already overcome, it will push and accelerate you through your now moments into the full truth. You are able because Christ is in you. When you deny that you are able, you are really denying that Christ is. You are One. You will come out stronger and more equipped if you allow the process to mold and shape you into His likeness. You may not see the correlation between what you are going through and what benefit that it will have, but in My Hands all will yield Fruit beyond imagining.

2016 was not a wasted year. Many of My people are complaining and murmuring like an ungrateful servant. You are not a servant nor slave. Your alleged setback was merely a preparation time. Like a Bow is pulled back by the Master Archer and at the right time the Arrow is released towards the Mark. 2017 is your year of being Released into the Atmosphere that has been brought in by My Presence. You are the finest handcrafted Arrow that no amount of money could buy. Purely Priceless!”

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