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Writer's picture MaryEllen McCloud

Daily Prophetic Word December 8, 2016

The Father says, "I Am not a God concerned or influenced by time. Mankind has set rules and boundaries based on time but this is not how I Reign in your life. Whether I send you out in your youth or in your dimming years, I am still sending you with My Power and full Authority. There is no negative in being at your calling now versus later. It is in My timing and understanding when what you carry will come forth. Do not allow yourself to view your destiny as less important due to age. What I have allowed to develop in new wineskins will grow with a great increase for you to walk out what is in your spirit to do and be. Some callings take longer to ferment to the fullness. To not allow time to become your mental prison.

You are not useless but Completely Useful! Did you catch that? Stop letting the enemy convince you that I am not interested in giving you a high purpose for My Namesake. Look around your life. Do you see My Hand preparing you in swiftness in some seasons and slower in other seasons? I Am doing a good work in you cutting away what will hinder your walk and territorial influences. Relax and enjoy what I am doing for you in season and out of season. We will scale the highest mountains and sail over the widest seas. I will not forsake the words that I have spoken over you. I will come through as promised in due season.

Decide to not let fear and doubt set up camp in your life. This is not of My Spirit and it desires to trip you up and watch you fall. Do not fear failure even for in your weakness, My Glory is in showing up and out on your behalf. I can do nothing when a person refuses to make a decision over fear of being wrong. I will guide you always and if you miss My Voice, I will correct your steps. Be mindful whose Hand is guiding and shifting. Notice the doors suddenly closing or opening. These are your clues to My path. I will catch you and set you on the straight and narrow. The road less traveled may not look as inviting, but in My Hands, that path will Blossom and Bloom into a supernatural wonderment.

I Am Smiling over you in this hour. I Am breathing the Breath of Life into your spirit. Find the strength of 1000 men filling you up for you are about to set foot on a new journey that even you did not see written before you. Many great surprises and new faces to mix with the familiar ones. I Am sending you a team of people who will walk life with you in full support of what I have created you to accomplish. No competition and no games coming from these people. Just those that Love Me as much as you do. Quality changes are transforming now over you. A longing from your heart is about to be met in reality.”

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